Near-Death Experiencer Mary Neal

Dr. Mary Neal is a board-certified orthopedic spine surgeon who drowned while kayaking on a South American river. She experienced life after death. She went to heaven and back, conversed with Jesus and experienced God’s encompassing love. She was returned to Earth with some specific instructions for work she still needed to do. Her life has been one filled with the miracles and intervention of God. Her story gives reason to live by faith and is a story of hope.
Dr. Neal was born and raised in Michigan and graduated from the University of Kentucky before attending the UCLA medical school. She completed her orthopedic surgery training at the University of Southern California after which she lived in Sweden, Switzerland, and Los Angeles while undergoing 1 1/2 years of specialty training in spinal surgery before becoming the director of spine surgery at USC. Five years later, she left the University for private practice.
Chapter 30 – One Of God’s Most Astonishing Gifts
The quote in this chapter comes from Mary’s book 7 Lessons from Heaven: How Dying Taught Me to Live a Joy-Filled Life.
Chapter 42 – God Has A Plan For Each Of Us
The quote in this chapter comes from Mary’s book 7 Lessons from Heaven: How Dying Taught Me to Live a Joy-Filled Life.
• Dr. Mary Neal’s Website
• Dr. Mary Neal on Facebook
• NDE Stories on Dr. Mary Neal
To Heaven and Back: A Doctor’s Extraordinary Account of Her Death, Heaven, Angels, and Life Again: A True Story
By Dr. Mary Neal
Amazon Description:
“In 1999 in the Los Rios region of southern Chile, orthopedic surgeon, devoted wife, and loving mother Dr. Mary Neal drowned in a kayak accident. While cascading down a waterfall, her kayak became pinned at the bottom and she was immediately and completely submerged. Despite the rescue efforts of her companions, Mary was underwater for too long, and as a result, died.
“To Heaven and Back is Mary’s remarkable story of her life’s spiritual journey and what happened as she moved from life to death to eternal life, and back again. Detailing her feelings and surroundings in heaven, her communication with angels, and her deep sense of sadness when she realized it wasn’t her time, Mary shares the captivating experience of her modern-day miracle.
“Mary’s life has been forever changed by her newfound understanding of her purpose on earth, her awareness of God, her closer relationship with Jesus, and her personal spiritual journey suddenly enhanced by a first-hand experience in heaven. To Heaven and Back will reacquaint you with the hope, wonder, and promise of heaven, while enriching you own faith and walk with God.”
Notable Quotes
“What I find… remarkable… is how readily many people in our society believe outlandish and unsubstantiated urban myths and conspiracies… yet disregard thousands of personal and consistent testimonies of miracles and near-death experiences from people throughout all cultures and religions.”
— NDEr Dr. Mary Neal, from her book To Heaven And Back
“I had been very rigorous over the years with regard to restricting the amount of time I allowed myself to think about the events surrounding my own death and return to life. I love my life, I love my family dearly, and I know that my work on earth is not done. Despite that, recalling the alluring magnificence of God’s world too vividly would make it easy to be consumed by a deep longing to return. I have always guarded my heart by not thinking about it too vividly or for too long… I always found it emotionally draining and dangerous to spend too much time remembering not just the facts and events, but re-experiencing the actual emotions.”
— NDEr Dr. Mary Neal, from her book To Heaven And Back
“Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances.”
— Three quotes from the Bible that spoke to Mary while she was in the hospital
7 Lessons from Heaven: How Dying Taught Me to Live a Joy-Filled Life
By Dr. Mary Neal
Amazon Description:
In this inspired follow-up to her million-selling To Heaven and Back, Dr. Mary Neal shares untold stories about her encounters with Jesus and powerful insights about how the reality of heaven can make each day magnificent.
Dr. Mary Neal’s unforgettable account of a 1999 kayaking accident that took her life, and what happened next, has riveted more than a million readers. But something happened as she shared her story in the years since. Not only did Neal realize she had more to tell, she discovered she had yet to answer the biggest question of all: How does knowing heaven is real change our lives on Earth?
“I have never finished speaking at a venue, including corporate settings, without people wanting to know more,” says Dr. Neal. In 7 Lessons From Heaven, Neal takes readers deeper into her experience, which includes encounters with angels, a journey to a “city of light,” and what it was like to meet Jesus face-to-face. Even more, Neal shares how she was sent back with the absolute knowledge that the God we hope for — the one who knows us, loves each of us as though we are the only one, and wants us to experience joy in our daily life — is real and present. She offers practical insights and inspiration for how each of us can experience this God every day and begin living without regret, worry, anxiety, or fear.
Notable Quote:
“If my journey from the bottom of a river to the heights of heaven revealed anything to me, it is that God is not only real and present in our world, but that He knows each one of us by name, loves each one of us as though we were the only person on Earth, and has a plan for each of us that is more significant and rewarding than anything we can dare to imagine on our own.”